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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

How to tell that you spouse is cheating on you

Many relationships deteriorate and die without knowing what's really happening. The major cause of death of relationships is lack of faithfulness that results to cheating in the relationships. There are several factors that can make you find out if your spouse is cheating and thus get prepared for the outcome. The top factors that can make you know that He/She is cheating are: 
  • Private Cell Phone Use

    Watch out for secret phone calls and excessive texting. In addition, are they erasing their sent and received call lists, or if you pick up the phone does the caller hang up? If you notice this, look for a phone bill to clarify your suspicions.
  • Lack of Intimacy

    Intimacy an sex are important in a relationship. If your partner becomes lackadaisical about sex it should trigger a warning. They may be just plain tired but that should be temporary. If it is prolonged, there could be a deeper physiological problem that you need to check, or are they getting it from somewhere else.
  • Excessive Computer Use

    A good deal of cheating takes place right at home over the Internet. Signs to look for are locked screens, your spouse quickly switching screens when you enter a room, or spending excessive time on the computer.
  • His/her taste in music suddenly changes.
    For instance, she always listened to pop music but suddenly starts listening to country music. Your partner might be listening to and growing fond of this new type of music because her lover listens to it.

  • She/he stops paying attention to you, your children and home-life in general.
  • Your spouse stops complimenting you on your looks.
  • Your spouse would rather spend time with friends than be with you.
  • He reeks of perfume that's not yours  
  • If he/she starts paying extra care to his appearance 

    Are any of the above happening in your relationships? You better take a extra step and find out what's happening.


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